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© 2016-25 Veterans Council of St. Johns County Inc.
St. Augustine, FL 32085 All rights reserved
St. Johns Veterans Council receives County Commissioners Proclamation
On Nov. 3, the Veterans Council of St. Johns County met with the Board of County
Commissioners to receive a proclamation from the Commissioners honoring our Veterans. As we
have done every year in the past, we presented the BCC with gifts. This year, we presented each
of the Commissioners and Administration with a copy of LTC Greg Moore's book, “Sacred Ground:
The Military Cemetery at St. Augustine,” that he wrote before his passing. Alison Simpson,
Command Historian, Florida National Guard, wrote an inscription in the front cover “In
remembrance of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, and in honor of our nation's
veterans, please accept this book on behalf of LTC (Retired) Gregory A. Moore, deceased, as a
token of appreciation for your service to this community and as a source for inspiration to learn
more about our great country and the men and women who made it so.”
LTC Greg Moore’s widow Nancy Moore was in attendance for the presentation.
Bill Dudley, Chairman
Veterans Council of St. Johns County
Veterans Council of St. Johns County
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At the regular St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners meeting on
Tuesday, June 16, Sarah Arnold, Chair, District 2, issued a certificate of
recognition in honor of the Veterans Treatment Court of St. Johns and Putnam
Counties graduating their 100th veteran on May 31, 2024. Judge Howard
McGillin, Cynthia Thompson, Veterans Treatment Court coordinator, and Bill
Dudley, Chairman of the Veterans Council of St. Johns County, attended the
meeting to receive the proclamation.
On January 19, 2017, the Seventh Judicial Circuit established a Veterans
Treatment Court in St. Johns County to serve the distinctive needs of veterans
involved in the justice system. This specialized court provides substance abuse
and mental health services to veterans, active-duty servicemembers, and other
eligible individuals, offering an alternative to traditional judicial outcomes.
The Veterans Treatment Court, a dedicated interdisciplinary team, working with
other agencies, focuses on breaking the cycle of addiction and self-destructive
behavior that leads to an individual’s involvement in the criminal justice system.
With over 21,000 veterans living in St. Johns County, one of the highest
concentrations of veterans in Florida and the United States, this program plays a
crucial role in the community.
The Veterans Treatment Court helps participants return to a healthy and
productive way of life and serves the community by significantly reducing
participants’ criminal recidivism rates.
St. Johns County Recognizes the Veterans Treatment Court of St.
Johns and Putnam Counties Graduating Their 100th Veteran